I got shit on his penis😳

So ladies I am so embarrassed.. i’m on my period so me and my boyfriend decided to have anal sex which we do often when i’m on my period or just wanna switch it up.. I’ve been having soft stool lately but hadn’t had one all day.. So after we get done I see him like run upstairs to the bathroom. I follow him to clean myself up also... I’m in the bathroom as is he and he says “you were right about going to the bathroom before “( awhile ago I told him that before anal I should try to poo and he looked at me like I was crazy) And I was like omg no, don’t tell me I got it on you!? And he was like yeah , as he was wiping it with a baby wipe and just threw it in the toilet. I was like omg i’m

sorry it’s not my fault and he laughed and said then who’s fault is it? He didn’t seem to bothered by it he just cleaned it off and put his pants back on but I was so disgusted.. Later on we were watching tv and I was like I really feel so bad like i’m sorry i’m so embarrassed and he just ignored me lol idk if that means he doesn’t care or just doesn’t wanna discuss it??

But later on that night we had sex again(not anal) and he actually put a finger in my butt so I guess he wasn’t too disgusted 😂😂