Toddler separation anxiety

So i dont know where to post this but i am struggling with my nearly 2 years old sons bedtime...

I have always done bedtime as i breastfed until he weaned himself off about 16 months old it was just easier for me to do it and worked better for both me and my husband with him then working earlier

Now nearly 2 years with a fairly good routine we have been taking it in turns to out him to bed each night it started off fairly hard then eased up, but the past few nights he has seemed to develop separation anxiety again he literally scream blue murder at daddy putting him to bed which obviously causes a huge strain on our marriage i tried to go into the room with him to calm him then he played up throwing his things out of the cot throwing his milk and screaming, please someone tell me i am not alone its just a phase we dont know what to do

I hate leaving him screaming and do not believe in the cry it out way but i also need him to learn that daddy is putting him to bed too and not just mummy every night 😣😪