Marital Advice: What Would You Say?

A little back story: I left in February after 2 years of dealing with insensitivity, some name calling, talking down to, and the last straw naked pictures of a female acquaintance with totally inappropriate responses from him. After said month I came back, we talked, we cried, we decided to move on TOGETHER. Everything seemed to be going well except some small things, but we were working it out. But I've noticed that if something happens between us he throws the fact that I left back in my face. He consistently says that 'I left him hanging' and says that I was playing games. I've told him over and OVER WHY I LEFT. The circumstances of what was going on, but he he just continues to view me as a child that plays games, which I am not! He now has a habit of ignoring me when I have a concern. This is what he said today: