she told her daughter to not be friends with my son 😞


So let me vent, because my heart still hurts for my boy and it's sad to see that the real monsters live in adults. I've been living in my neighborhood for the past 5 years and my son has never gone outside to play with anyone other than with me and dad in our backyard. This month, a few of the neighborhood kids started coming to our house looking for him to play, and ofcourse we let him and we were so happy that he finally has friends around here. He is 6 years old, and the kids are a little older 8,9,10 but they are so kind to him and play nicely. So yesterday he comes crying home and tells me that one of the little girls told him she cant play with him cause her mom told her she can't be friends with him. I know the mom, so i told him that i will go figure out whats going on( in my mind i thought it was a misunderstanding since kids always talk reckless) so i continued to bathe my newborn and told him to play in our yard with his other friends while i finish. little did i know that he headed to the girls moms house who lives 2 houses away to ask her why they can't be friends. When the kids told me where he went, i immediately got aggravated and headed over there furious at him because he is never allowed to leave anywhere without permission. my furiousness quickly disappeared when i saw my babe sittion on the sidewalk with his head down and quietly crying to himself while this ignorant bi*** is telling him "stop crying and go home" and when she looked up and noticed me walking over she says sarcastically "i take it you came to talk to me" Originally, i wanted to kick this bi*** in the head and drag her(i have a short temper lol) but i WENT OFFF on her. Instead of sympathizing with a broken hearted child, u tell him to stop crying and go home and that your daughter doesn't need to be friends with him????? I was ready to smack this bi*** but i hold my composure because i am my son's role model and i will not scoop to her ignorant level. We get to talking and she pretty much says that my son is annoying and her daughter doesnt need to be his friend if she doesnt We crossed words and i told her a piece of my mind and pretty much was a back and forth thing going on. My son has autism yall. He doesnt process emotions and feelings like the rest of us. When he cares, he cares deeply. He loves deeply, everything is in abundance. I have always tought him to be kind, and i swear to God i have never in my life met someone so kind . He hugs everyone, he talks to everyone, he tells others that they are cool or beautiful and he sees the best in everyone. Sometimes it scares me, because i know ppl like him get categorized as weird or overwhelming but thats who he genuinely is and i can't change him but i know eventually miserable ppl will find a way to destroy something so beautiful because they dont know how to handle it. So at the end she says "well im sorry, i didn't know he had autism" and im like what does it matterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?????! My son doesn't need pity cause he has autism..he just needs understanding and patience.So for the first time since hes been diagnosed with autism I CRIED. i cried because we have never gone through rejection for him being him. I cried because i had to explain to someone with such a beautiful soul that not everyone will be his friend and him not get why. I cried because he has had a taste of how cruel ppl can be. And i cried because he cried. Man, teach your kids to be kind instead of allowing them to dislike others for no valid reason other than them being "annoying" My son is friends with anyone and i will never allow him to dislike anyone just because they are different. This world needs more kids like mine. Anyways, i just needed to vent perhaps to get advice how to handle situations like these. I spoke to him alot and i always try to uplift his spirit so any advice will be appreciated! Here's a picture of my little man

UPDATE#2 So she came looking for him today , and i was hesitant to let him go so ultimately i decided that this is his opportunity to express himself. With my supervision, he spoke to her, and told her that she hurt his feelings and she said she never said that she didnt want to be his friend, it was HER MOM. Therefore, my intuition was right and it was indeed her mom that Was annoyed with my son, not the little girl. So, i told her it was ok for them to play but on my property . He wont be allowed to go over her yard because clearly the woman is psycho.