When your spouse becomes secondary and they become a stresser


So we have been together almost 2 years and married for almost one. Our whole relationship has been based on the fact that i was pretty much pushed and shoved to continue and even get married. During the process I got pregnant and our family grew. Long story short after almost 2 years I found out so many lies and deception about his past, which was one of the reasons I committed to him (previously married and things ended tragically. When we were dating I was told how their marriage was so loving and great, even with minor issues) that gave me a sense of assurance and that he knows how to have a healthy relationship. However time passed and even just recently I found out their marriage was a shit show. He even thinks she was using birth control behind his back because she didn’t want to have children and just concentrate on her career. Anyways, after a while it’s so numbing that even now with our own issues I feel disconnected. Even about the people between his previous wife and myself. I was told he barely dated and was even played for a fool by someone that was introduced by a couple that knew him for years. Well come to find out he met her on his own where he played darts and went back there a few times when we were together. Now I can’t even trust where or who he talks to. I feel like everything is based on lies and now to be honest any mistakes he does I just disconnect really fast. I don’t waste energy on him anymore, especially after I got back to work. At This point I’m just blah. I just go with the motions and pray that maybe tomorrow our time flies by fast so I don’t have to really deal with him. I would rather be at work all day and actually be productive or with our children than with him. I want to get divorced but it’s such a hectic process that I’m not even sure it’s worth it