just another story

when I was 15 I dated an 18 year old boy named Robert. we had had art class together that year, it was my freshman year of high school it was his senior. we had bonded over art styles and similar jokes. in about January we got together. he was the kind of boy to want to buy his girl everything. now he was a sweet kid, but I hated things being bought for me. He often pressured me for sex, which I never really minded. it did it did put a strain on our relationship. in fact we never even had sex In fact my main reason for not bringing him home was the fact that I had a little brother in Middle School, and I really didn't want him walking in on me and Robert. Robert was I really sweet kid, who just wanted to have a job, own an apartment / house and take care of his girl. He taught me a lot of things. And throughout the course of relationship I had a great time. in fact I can't even look negatively at it