
Rebecca • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born October 24,2017 💗

Hey ladies so I’ve always been embarrassed to admit it. I’ve always felt like I would be judged. I always posted anonymously when I vented on this subject. But now I’m free. Ive been homeless for almost 5 years straight now. From living in hotels, to bouncing around to different family members homes. I’ve been homeless throughout my life for quite sometime as well. Well I’m 19 years old. I ended up pregnant January of 2017, found out February 2017. Gave birth to my beautiful daughter in October. Prior to her being born I lived with a family member in a closet like bedroom, very small, only fit a small bed and small dresser, no closet. But I was grateful, happy and had a home (somewhat). Only issue is, she had many many animals, her dogs peed and pooped right outside of my door and it was mouse and centipede infested, knowing this, I could not take my child there. So since she was born, I’ve lived in a very high class hotel, just built a year ago, and because my mother works in a hotel, i live here for a great discount. Well now to get to the point, I finally have found my own apartment. I won’t be homeless for the first time in 5 years. I will have a home. I can have friends over and not feel embarrassed. It’s no gorgeous apartment, but it’s big and it’s not a hotel. I am grateful. 🤞🏼