my birth story


my baby was due Aug 13th but she decided she didnt want to wait that long I had her July 17th via c section she was breech..i went to my ob at 36 weeks exactly he checked my cervix and i was dialated to 1.5cm he said he would call me to schedule a c section for 39 my DH and I went home ran to walmart got something to eat and then got in the pool for an hour or so...i was exhausted so by 11:30 i was ready for bed, i was feeling a ton of pressure down low more than ever and I couldnt grt comfortable to go to sleep at 12 i got up to use the restroom and as i stood up i felt like i peed a little so i went to the bathroom finished peeing cleaned up and changed clothes and laid back down had to pee again at 12:30 stood up and again more pee or so i thought till i went to the bathroom and this time tmi i smelled my pants it wasnt pee i was leaking fluid so i called labor and delivery and went it they checked to see if it was indeed fluid and it was positive...the nurse checked my cervix and i was already dialated to a 3 my dr came and i was preped for surgery and at 3:13 my beautiful daughter was born weighing 5 pounds 15oz and 19 3/4inches long she was born 4 weeks early and doing very well..ive never loved anyone so much... meet Addyson Gail Inez