Expecting the worst hoping for the best

Why do I feel like my boyfriend doesn’t love me anymore? I’m a bigger woman and he’s a smaller man and I’ve seen his ex girlfriends and I know who he’s able to get. That’s just one thing. Sure they’re pretty and whatnot but I was the one to get him off his ass when he was basically 19 and a bum, but now I just feel like I’ve been building a man for someone else. Money’s been difficult lately and we got evicted and it’s been hard and strenuous on us and our relationship. I’m tired, I’m tired of the arguing and the lashing out. We’ve had trust issues before with other incidents involving other women, not cheating or anything, but she liked him and he was either oblivious to it or was entertaining her. Now he hides his phone when he sleeps. Either under his pillow in his hand or tucked in the mattress. And I don’t want to say anything about it because it’ll just bring up past problems. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel completely detached.. not to mention he whips his head around to look st every woman walking down the road