Soup of the day?

Ella • Always live your life to the fullest because even after the darkest of days, every bad thing has a bright side. Just remember that tomorrow could be a better today💙 I'm always happy to talk to anyone about their problems and/or worries. I've been though

Try my creamy pumpkin and bacon soup. Even those who don't like pumpkin in general love this recipe and it's super easy to make. You only need 1x Butternut Pumpkin and As Much Pre-cooked Bacon As You Like (I usually use about 8 rashers). All you need to do is Peel the Pumpkin, Cut it into large Chunks and boil it in a large pot until fully cooked. Once the pumpkin is cooked drain the water from it and put it back in the pot. Add the Bacon into the pot and use a Bar-mix (or hand held mix master) to whiz it all up until it is creamy. If you want it runny you can add some cream to it.