Need opinions from married wives and moms please

Ladies if you guys can read my story to your husbands as well cause I would love a opinion from a dad on this topic as well as you guys

So we have been broke since December and I’m 33 weeks pregnant I’ve been applying for jobs since then and was turned away due to being pregnant . My husband on the hand has not worked a job either . He has a better chance of getting one but decides to be picky. So today my mother in law told me to tell him that speedway was hiring for cashiers and I told him and my husband decided to say “i love you guys but I’m not going to work at no speedway what did y’all think I was going say to that? I’m not trying to teach my sons to settle for Any and every job just cause it’s rough” and i told him “well I went ahead and applied cause being able to get my babies what they need is more important than my wants when it comes down to a job I’m tryna raise my boys to grind and by any means provide for his family no matter what the job is “ he said “ok that’s you” but what baffled me is my own husband the one who moved me here married me and had kids with me rather be ok and watch with me settle at 33 fuckin weeks pregnant rather than be a man and go be damn cashier. I should testing and taking it easy but no I gotta go work cause my husband chooses to be picky . I’m raising men here my boys will get any job they can to provide while they work towards they job they want. But why can’t I get my husband to see that’s how it’s supposed to go? My husband whines about not having money or his truck fixed and how our car will be repossessed but days go and he sits and watches YouTube all day but got the nerve to turn down a job 😑