8 months TTC and husband is feeling hopeless along with myself :(

My husband always makes the comment “we’re not going to be able to have children, are we?” And it breaks my heart. I try to explain to him that even the healthiest of couples can take years to conceive their first and that it just takes patience, but he gets so down in the dumps about it considering he loves kids and has wanted one of our own since we were 2 years in (now 6). My mother struggled to get pregnant with me and finally conceived after 8 YEARS and many doctor’s visits — so I know 8 months isn’t that much time to be TTC but at what point should we try a specialist considering the family hx? I also want to get ahead of it and not have to be in the same boat of waiting that long to find out that we need a little help. Any advice or comments would be so appreciated :)