Not so happy to be here again

Please no judgement. I don't need sympathy either. Just someone to talk to.

We were trying to have a baby together (third pregnancy). My career had a HUGE take off and we stopped trying....too late. Even before we stopped (6 months later) I was losing my excitement for having another one.

He is ecstatic to be having another one, started shopping baby clothes when he found out, is excited to go to every appointment, contantly talking about names.....and I'm over here *trying* to act happy. But only for his sake. I'm miserable, depressed, and crying about it all the time. I've even had the fantasy of leaving him with the baby while I go chase my career. But I could never in a million years do that. And only because I love him far too much. But I can't bring myself to get happy about this baby! I wish i was. I wish I could be. We wanted this so bad (for a while on my part anyway) And now that it's reality I couldn't be more miserable. Why?!?! Why can't I get happy?!?!