my birth story ๐Ÿ’™


my little bundle of joy is 9 weeks old on Friday and was worth very ache and pain possible. I was a high risk pregnancy due to high BP and they thought he was small . I was brought into be induced may 24th (my partners birthday) when I was 40+5. they decided to use the 48 hour method where majority of women go within 24 and 48hr - I can't remember the name! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was induced around 10am and it was a slow process until 3pm when I started getting pains. they intensified so much around 6pm and my partner called my mam as she was coming in with me. the midwife checked me at 7:30 and told me that I was only 3cm but I was in AGONY ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was walking around the hospital and bouncing on the yoga balls and couldn't even sleep even though I was up ALL night the night before stressing over everything! my parents came up at 8pm and the midwife told them that i won't be going tonight that there was no need to wait.. they left the hospital at 10pm and my partner went too as the nurse gave me something to relax and try help me sleep.. 20 mins after they left the pain was horrific. the pain relief didnt work at all! the midwife checked me again and nothing has changed! iwent to the bathroom and I had lost my mucus plug and felt as if I was been stabbed over and over again. I called the midwife and she came and checked me around a half hour later and was 8cm!! She told me to phone my partner and mother. they had only got in the door and they had to come up again! I literally felt like I couldn't move at all. the nurses came and took me to the delivery room. I can remember screaming for the epidural and the doctor wouldn't hurry with it and I was screaming. she eventually came after what felt like FOREVER and done it. it didn't work. she done it again. it didn't work after 2 bags! the gas and air didn't work either! I was pushing and yelling abuse at the midwife telling her to take her hand out of me ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was exhausted and kept fainting in between the contractions and I could feel8

everything ๐Ÿ˜ฆ the midwife told me that he had to come now or I would be sent for a c section as his oxygen level was dropping! I finally pushed for the life of me and he was here!! born at 3:40am 7lb4oz ๐Ÿ’™ jaxon ๐Ÿ˜š