12hrs of labor

Kierra • mommy of 2 boys and 1 girl 💞

So the day I gave birth to my son I was a bit of a mess lol. Me and my boyfriend have been having a really rough time in our relationship this last month of my pregnancy. I had actually went to the hospital the day before without him because he had pissed me off really badly and I didn't want shit to do with him. They sent me home though as I was having a VBAC and was only 3cm dialated. So I go to work that night and get off around 5am. I go to bed and am woken up at 8am by THE WORST contractions I had ever felt in my life. I didn't go to the hospital though because he still had an attitude from the day before and I didn't feel like asking him to do shit for me. But then I started vomiting from the pain and my grandma said that I was more than likely in labor. So finally around 6pm, with both of us still not wanting to look at the other, we head to the hospital. They confirm that I am in fact in labor and I was 7cm dialated. So they move me to a birthing suite and he leaves to go get his camera because our nurse said he had time to go there and come back while I wait for my epidural. No more than 15 minutes after he walks out the door my water breaks and I have all the doctors trying to turn me over (I was on my side trying to ride out the pain) as I'm screaming bloody murder because I am definitely about to give birth to this boy and I was not prepared to have him so soon. So I finally turn over and they're telling me to bear down and push through my contractions. I'm crying now and saying I can't because I'm alone and scared and, like the guardian angel she's always been in my life, my grandma walks in. I finally find the strength to push him out and at 8pm I'm finally holding my little boy.

His dad calls me maybe 10 mins after everything is all said and done asking what's going on and I have to tell him that he just missed the birth of his first son. He gets to the hospital 20 mins later and he meets his son for the first time. I could see on his face he regretted even leaving so I didn't bother being a dick to him about it and just let him have his time.

We have a beautiful healthy little boy and as we learn to be parents we're learning to be better to each other at the same time