Roommate from hell...

Diablita • ♍️✨

My boyfriend has a friend/roommate that's living with us. He's been a pain the ass! He's caused so much drama during his time here so far. You wouldn't believe the things he's done. He met a homeless couple while my bf and I were out of town and moved them in the house. The homeless guy turned out to be a Neo Nazi. I'm black and my bf is Mexican so how you think that went? I fucking lost it but that's another story.

Anyways, the roommate has had a pile of dishes in the sink for over a month. Those dishes have fruit fly eggs in them...

Now, he's been repeatedly horrible about washing dishes and I'm always telling to please wash them. It's exhausting telling a grown man to clean up after himself. Last week, my bf cursed him out about the dishes and told him his behavior is causing us relationship problems. And yet, he still didn't touch them! And he has had PLENTY of time!

I got fed tf up today because 2 days ago, we told him "Dude, there's a bunch of fruit fly eggs in your dishes."

He said, "Oh shit." And went into his room. I gave him two days to get to those dishes. He didn't. So today, I got his plastic bin and filled it with bleach and hot water and threw his dishes into it then placed the bin in front of his door. Then I got to work cleaning his side of the sink and it was nasty.... I found mold and plenty of fly eggs at the bottom.

How would you handle this? We feel like we are in hell. The only reason my bf won't put him out is because we've been saving money for the baby (5 months pregnant now) I still want him gone regardless because he's causing a lot more harm than good in our lives. But my bf isn't like me, he doesn't get as angry as I do. And that makes me feel alone in this. I see this behavior as disrespectful and inconsiderate on all levels. I dare the roommate to try to pop off on me about that bin of dishes, too.