

My 9 month old child has had this rash for about 2 weeks now. When it first developed he had been diagnosed with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease (from blisters in his mouth). I took him back to the ER two days later for this rash on his genitals because I figured it was a diaper rash at first. (He hadn’t been with me when it appeared. He was at his god mothers house, who thought it was because she gave him baby mango sauce).. when I took him they said he spread the HFMD to his genitals, which made sense because he likes to touch his privates during a diaper change. Any way, the told me to use hydrocortisone for it and it should go away in 10 days... Well the hydrocortisone isn’t working. And now I’m thinking it could be something else. Last night was the start of him being extremely agitated with it and he screamed all night long. I didn’t figure this could be his issue from last night till right now... does this look like HFMD or a different type of rash.. he never had blisters on his fingers or anything and the ones from his mouth didn’t resemble these either...

PS I will be taking him back to the ER this afternoon when my SO returns from work.. I have 2 other tiny children that I don’t want to drag along...