Just need to rant

My mother in law is a crazy person. But that’s a whole different story. Since day 1 of my pregnancy i have ask all family not to post anything on social media. I feel like it’s no ones place to update anyone about anything unless it’s me, or my husband or we ask you specifically. She’s never listened. She constantly post pictures of my ultra sounds over and over. I haven’t sent her any updates so she just repost old ones. She just posted another picture today of her picture wall and guess what she put on a canvas? MY ultra sound picture. It was the one you get at 7 weeks when it doesn’t even look like a baby! I’m so frustrated. I’m about to remove her from all social media and never send her pictures or updates again. I know she’s a grandma but she is JUST a grandma. I’m the mom, and if i don’t want anyone to do anything regarding my son they shouldn’t. My husband has even talked to her about this multiple times and she doesn’t listen. 🙄