Is it too much to ask?

My husband is great with my 3 month old son during the day but when it comes to putting him to bed or helping out during the night or first thing in the morning he wants no part of it. I’m a teacher so the timing is great bc I’m off for the summer and get to spend lots of time with my son. My husband works and gets home around 630 and cooks dinner while I start the bedtime routine and put our LO to sleep (which is alway a process).

Our son wakes up around 630 so my husbands duty is to change his diaper while I feed him and then I play with him until he naps again. During that time my husband typically goes back to sleep until he gets up to get ready for work around 8. Last week I asked him if he could stay awake and play with the baby while I got some extra sleep and he acted like he was already asleep and ignored me.

So this week he’s been voluntarily sleeping on the couch. He says it’s because he doesn’t want to wake the baby up since he goes to bed after me but I pretty sure he’s just trying to avoid responsibility of being a parent.

I mentioned to him that when I go back to work he’s going to have to get up before the baby does to shower and eat (I leave for work at 6 am so I won’t even see the baby in the morning). Now my MIL is watching our son when I go back and my husband told me that he would have her come early in the morning while he gets ready for work. Well I told him that’s absolutely not happening and called him lazy. I’m already nervous as it is to go back to work and he tells me this?

He tells me all the time that he does more than his friends do who also have young babies. Am I asking too much?