Dad bonding issue

Kelli • 31- Married 💗 - Momma to a sweet girl 💕 Expecting Baby #2 in January 💜

So my husband is really struggling with the fact that our newborn (not quite a month old) prefers me over him. Logically he knows that it's because I'm home with her all day right now, plus every night but Saturdays, I'm up in the middle of the night too since I'm on leave. The first week and a half after she was born, he got a lot of snuggle time in, but after he went back to work he just doesn't get as much time with her awake, plus he tends to crash on the couch about 2 hours after he gets home (he does have a very physically demanding job, plus they are currently working extra hours). Tonight he was really struggling with the fact that he couldn't calm her down, and the more upset he got, the more she cried, and it was just snowballing. And of course the second he hands her to me, she calms right down. But he also doesn't really listen when I try to tell him what will calm her down. Any advice on how to help him get through this? I've already told him that I'm going to be having him do more with/for her when he gets home from work. It just breaks my heart to see him so disheartened when he can't get her to calm down, and he so badly wants to be a great daddy to her. Help!