My Story

Meghan • Mrs.Shaw❤️❤️❤️

So it's been a while since I have posted on here I just now came back to this app because I love it... So if I'm posting in the wrong group I am sorry...

I wanted to share my birth story. The beginning long story short I was married for 5 years all together 8 years my husband and I tried for 6 year for a baby he passed away in November of 2015 10 months later I meet someone new wasn't looking for someone it just kind of happened anyways we were together 6 months when I finally got pregnant (he was not planned but I am thankful). As he is my first kid I was so happy and thankful I never thought I would have kids I was told because I have diabetes that I wouldn't have kids well now I'm a mom here's my story.

I found out I was pregnant at the end of March I only took a test because all my friends were joking that I was pregnant because I had missed my period I was down at a friend's house cleaning for her and that's when I took the test it came back positive right away I texted my friend to and asked if I was sending her a picture because I thought I was going crazy I thought there's just no way I was pregnant she said yes I'm pregnant but just to make sure it wasn't a false positive she bought me another test that had two in the box I took them both the same day both were positive then my boyfriend took me the the health department took a test there came back positive. The whole pregnancy was a joy although I hated having morning sickness all 9 months I still enjoyed it all. I was induced at 39 weeks two day I went in to the hospital on Nov 16th to get hooked up with IVs I was induced the next day at 6 am labor was bad for me the contractions were bad didn't think I could do it then I got an epidural and it got better I had a pregnancy ball that I bounced on to help it was great then it came time for me to push well they had my epidural up so high I couldn't feel when it was time to push lol so they had to trun it down some I pushed for 2 hours still no baby I was so tired and weak so my OBGYN asked if I wanted her to vacuum him out and I said yes I screamed I could feel her pulling him out because they had to trun my epidural down he was finally out but he was so purple and not breathing they put him on me and rubbed his back and he finally started breathing he was bruised on his left side because he got stuck in me it was a very hard time for me as he is my first baby... He is now 8 months old and perfect full of life the only thing that sucks and makes me feel like it's my fault is that he now has to be in a halment..