My little bundle of joy!


So the birth of my baby didn't go exactly as planned. My original due date was for September 9, but due to me being high risk an induction was scheduled for August 19. However I went for a regular appointment on Monday July 23rd and was admitted because they were afraid I was developing preclampcia. They put in a ballon to help me dilate and a few hours later they were supposed to break my water. My little one however had her arm in the way so they waited. Fast forward to Wednesday still waiting for them to break my water and nothing. I ask the nurse to remove the catheter and my water breaks on its on. I go all day with no pain, having contractions, but I don't feel them, and still no baby. Later that night I start feeling pressure like I have to poop. The nurse says it's just the baby resting there but your still not dilated yet. The pressure gets worse and I'm like something is going on and she is trying to convince me otherwise. So finally I tell her well I'm going to push then she's like no don't push it's not time. I said I have to do something she checks me again and she's like oh my your right but we have to wait for the doctor. I'm like no I'm pushing my SO. sisters and the nurse are all trying to get me to not push, but I just want to push. The doctors finally arrived, which seems like and took a lifetime, they set up and @ 2:21 Thursday July 26th I was blessed with my daughter. It wasn't the experience I wanted but I wouldn't

change it for anything.