Any advice ?

Before I had my second child back in March , I use to be more “productive” I loveee having my little girl here now but I honestly feel as I’m not as nice to my first child he’s now 3.5 years old he was my everything my whole world before my daughter got here now I love them both the same but anything my son does drives me up the wall . Also I use to be a neat freak when it came to the house .. dishes always done ALWAYS . Laundry never went unfolded for weeks at a time , I use to clean the house every night before I went to bed because I couldn’t stand waking up to anything out of place .. sometimes I’m even finding it harder to want to take a shower I use to shower or bathe twice a day 😩🤦🏼‍♀️ I don’t know what’s going on with me ! I woke a full time desk job , I love both my babies they make my world go round ! Anyone gave any advice ?


My husband also works 2 jobs so 14+ hrs a day , ab my daughter is EBF ! So I can’t ask for much help!!