Welcome Baby girl 💗

Autumn • 💓💓💙

I loved reading everyone's birthing stories so I thought I would share mine!

I was induced at 38 weeks 2 days due to Polyhydramnios.

On July 24th at 6am I get to the hospital to be induced. Thankfully I pre registered so I was in my room in 10 minutes. A little before 7am they checked my cervix and I was still only at 2cm, so they started the pitocin. The nurse came in ever 30 minutes to turn the pitocin up. 2 hours later they checked my cervix again and I was only at 3cm! Around 11 the pain was getting to me so I asked for the epidural. She checks my cervix and I'm only at 4cm. I get the epidural and unforenitly it only takes on my right side. I couldn't move my rigbt leg but could feel everything on my left side! My Dr comes in to breaks my water, the nurse starts getting everything ready and grabs 2 towels. The Dr said nope we need about 14! And omg there was sooo much fluid!! He had to be very careful while breaking my water to make sure the cord didn't come out first.

It was starting to getting pretty painful! (I don't do well with pain) and Around 5 they have to stop the meds and give me oxygen because I was contracting back to back. At 5:30 They check me again and I'm at 6cm. They restart the meds and lean the bed up, so gravity can help.

At 6:30 I call the nurse in because the pain was getting so bad, I couldn't stop crying and I felt so much pressure and the need to push. The nurse was like I don't think we are ready for that. But she said I'll check you anyways.... well I was at 10cm!! She said the babies head needs to come down a little more, but she was going to go call the dr. So they come in and start getting everything ready. At 7 I tell the nurse I can't wait any longer I need to push. She said the Dr is about 30 minutes away but we can do practice pushes. I do this for about 6 minutes and she said okay you need to stop until the Dr gets her. It was so painful trying to to push with all that pressure! Thankfully my Dr walks in at 7:18 and by 7:24 My beautiful baby girl was born!

Big sister begged to be in the deliver room and I'm actually so thankful we decided to let her. She did great! And I'm thankful I got to share such a beautiful moment with the people I love the most!

At 7:24 on 7/24 weighing 7lbs 2.6oz 19.5 in long We welcomed baby Addison!

And now I have to of the most perfect and beautiful daughters!