getting ready for a wedding

so im going to my friends wedding do thid afternoon. im wearing an old dress that ive worn to 3 events so far in 12 months so im not too happy i havent got something new. i didnt feel like goin but ive felt really good lately. anyway, so the dress is fine. try it on last week, try it on a few days ago. try it yesterday and BAM doesnt blummin fit. ive gone to 2 shoppin centres, nothing!!! ive had to go buy new undies too, my tops dont fit comfortably. so im now sittin in a dressing gown with my legs on fire because i need to shave them as theyre on show. found some comfy high waisted pants. put them on a quick wash, to find i put them on the wrong one. its decided to rain after weeks ans weeks nearly 3 months of sunshine. my partner has had to go to work. and ugh.... my parents are at the day event as well so i can go join them at the after do.... but now i need to paint my nails and my one cat just cant understand personal space today!!!