Does bleeding during sex mean i might not have gotten pregnant?


Back in April (2018) I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I started getting the same exact symptoms that led me to take a test before (constipation that my usual remedy of a "green drink" would always cure and suddenly doesn't even stool softeners took about 4 or 5 days to work, and i had what would HAVE to have been implantation spotting a few days ago it was light pink and only happened a couple of times over a couple of days when i wiped) and even one new one (headaches, i rarely ever get headaches). But earlier my bf and I had sex, not rough or anything, and there was some blood on both of us when we got done. I'm not supposed to start my period til 8/01 but i was so hoping that we were pregnant again and decided to wait til at least 8/01 to test. I'm just wondering if you think this means I never got pregnant, had another miscarriage, or what? Advice please!