opinions needed faint postive?


Okay so to cut a long story short I'm on clomid to help me conceive last month I was sure I was pregnant but bfn and came on heavy period so started taking clomid again on cd3 and on CD 11 my symptoms started bloating cramping ect so I started to dtd and have done nearly every night in past week but I've had several postive opks since Tuesday this week and dip in my chart but still cramping today I thourt I'd take my last cheapie test and it came bk with a faint line now I'm worried that I conceived last month and I've taken clomid whilst pregnant it's either that or I ovd last Sunday and the dip I got Tuesday was implantation and today would be 7dpo and I got a faint postive ? what u think ladies lol I'm going clinically insane I think plan on testing properly Tuesday as I need to go out tmro and get some tests I thourt today was my expected ov so thourt I had plenty of time before I had to test green test is ppl blue is the pgncy