settle an argument for me...

our washer and drier is in the bathroom in my house. before getting in the shower, i started a load of laundry. Got out of the shower and my husband said he wanted to get in. fine, whatever. he then realized that i had the washer running and got mad saying that it takes up too much water from his shower when it starts the rinse cycle. started saying that i need to think sometimes and not be so selfish. he doesn't shower every day, and we're not going anywhere today, so i had no way of knowing he was planning on showering. once i mentioned this he started telling me what "i need to do", so i replied with a"yes sir" because i dont like being told what i need to do. frankly, it pisses me off and he knows this. well, he then gets up, says "fuck this shit" and goes to lay down in the bedroom. we also have a 1 year old, so when he does this im stuck doing solo momma while he relaxes.

opinions, thoughts, constructive criticisms...go.

ALSO: Our washer has a pause button to temporarily stop a load. i suggested this and he got all angry again saying how hes tried this before and it just resets the load and starts it over. im calling bullshit on that.