R u fucking kidding me

Fun fact guys IM ALLERGIC TO DOGS. now that’s a whole other rant but I’ve known this my whole life so this isn’t what the post is about lmao

So I’m at my camp. I invited two of my friends 2 months ago to come up for three days this week. So this plan has been set in place for awhile. So my friends come up this morning and my friend, let’s call her sally, BRINGS HER PUPPY WITHOUT ASKING ME!!!! So I’m like, dude u can’t bring ur puppy inside, her hair will get everywhere and im gonna be sneezing up a storm for the next like month or so until it gets out. So sally ets pissed at me saying shes not leaving the dog outside and blah blah blah. I tell her “yeah I’m not expecting u to do that. I’m expecting u to leave now.” So she gets pissed that I’m telling her to leave (it’s about an hour and 30 min drive from her house) saying she drove all the way up here and blah blah blah.

So anyways my parents r like wtf is this dog doing here, and they get annoyed cuz the things barking and jumping on ppl cuz again ITS A PUPPY.

IM SO mad tho cuz we’ve been planning this for ages, now sally is mad at me tho which is total BS! She never mentioned or asked me if she could bring her dog. And last year when I had invited her to my camp she did ask and I said no (she got annoyed and tried to argue about it but I told her that she isn’t allowed. Finally she listened and didn’t) so it’s not like she didn’t know she wasn’t allowed, as again she asked me last year.

I’m so fucking mad rn ugh like who has the audacity ya know?

To reiterate, I’m allergic!, it’s a puppy that jumps and scratches ppl 24/7, is barking up a storm, and is a lot to handle even for not being the dogs owner. Also there r a bunch of ppl around us who also have dogs (well behaved ones that obviously have their own camper) so when the puppy goes off so does everyone else’s