This is long.. but My husband won’t have sex with me..


So I need some advice. For the past couple months I’ve finally been like “in the mood” after having my son. But my husband won’t touch me. Like he just won’t make any moves on me at all... and when he does it’s like for 20 seconds and then he is done.. I had a c-section so it’s not like anything is different. But it still makes me feel like shit. I don’t want to always be the one trying to get him to have sex with me. He only will if I HARD core try to make moves on him. And even then sometimes he won’t.. I’ve tried talking to him about this but every time I do he FREAKS out and gets so pissed. And I explained how I feel once before and he got so angry he said that I beg him for sex and every now and then he has to give it to me... literally less then ten minutes ago I asked him and tried talking about this and he said he was pissed off and didn’t mean it. But it felt so real in the moment. And he was just saying like I just want him to admit to not wanting to have sex with me. And that’s not what I want. I want him to be comfortable enough to communicate about this with me. Because I’m comfortable enough to talk to him about it. I don’t know what to do. Because I feel like he jacks off in the shower and stuff so obviously he has a need. But I just wish it was for / with me.. has anyone ever faced this or have any tips on how to approach this better or anything like that?? I just wanna feel his touch again.. his genuine touch.. any tips or stories help please don’t be shy. I can use all the help I can get.