Child support help

Okay so I have a question, my child's father is in a shitty situation with another woman. She has him on child support and when they went to court he was facing an eviction & owed a lot of money on his car etc. he had no income coming in, now he got a check for about 15k & needs to pay 4 months worth of child support. He doesn't want to pay the full four months bc it would amount to a few thousand dollars and he needs that money to pay off his eviction, his car, and catch up on all of the bills he hasn't been able to pay the last few months.

I told him that he needs to pay the full four months because the court won't care if he has other stuff to pay. We are in California. He thinks I'm being crazy and that he only needs to pay two months worth right now so that he can have money left over to live on and pay his bills. What are the laws with that and can he get into trouble for not paying the full amount when he technically has the money to?