SO clumsy 😂😭


Y'all...I have been SO clumsy since I had the baby.

Tonight, he'd been asleep about 30 minutes so I decided I was safe to go take my bath.

Just as I settle in, I hear the "I lost my paci" whimper. If you don't get the paci back in fast enough, he'll wake up and have to be nursed back to sleep. So I quickly hop out of the tub, wrap up in a towel, and go to give it back to him.

After a successful replacement, I turn around to go back into the bathroom and forgot that the floor is wet from my hasty bathtub exit.

I WIPE OUT and land HARD on my butt. The baby jumps but doesn't fully wake up.

So here I am laying on my floor in a towel crying/laughing/gasping as quietly as possible for 10 minutes. I legitimately couldn't breathe. 😂😭

#morethanmypridewashurt #butthebabystayedasleep #soIstillcountitasawin #donthavetomopmybedroomanymore #diditwithmybody