Please dont Scroll , Can someone please help me ?

Sorry if this is long ...

Me & my partner were fooling , around and no he didn’t enter me I am a virgin , so he was dry the whole time because i watched and I checked myself after wards to make sure nothing was on me I was pretty sure there was nothing but you never know .. I’ve been stressed about this and crying because I have searching up symptoms and google practically told me I’m pregnant .. I haven’t had any like symptoms but i was scratching my chest and then I saw bumps like acne I never get that

my period is due in 2-3 days I’m scared because what if it doesn’t come on ? My dad will be disappointed in me and I will be disappointed in my self i won’t be able to live with myself anymore I’m crying while writing this ... I’m young can someone please help ? I’m begging for it thanks 🙏🏽..