Being pregnant is not glamorous

Mama of 3 • Wife & Mama of 3 ASD supporter 🧩 2 princes🤴 1 princess 👸🏻 Coffee ALWAYS ☕️

I love love love being pregnant don’t get me wrong. There is just some things people don’t tell you that you experience when you are pregnant, they only talk about the great things. Well let me tell you some shit! I have had the worse day being pregnant today. I have had a migraine like crazy and no all the doses of Tylenol do not help! This heart burn, ugh. I feel like I am breathing fire even after consuming 4 tums in less than an hour. Oh and not to mention this horrible constipation. At this point it feels like I am shitting bricks with no relief. But like I said before I love being pregnant and what my body can do! I love my baby so much! Just please give mommy a little break! 😭