Husband is an asshole to my mom.

First off my mom is the sweetest person I have ever met. She does so much for us. She has helped us out with food before when we were low. She has given us money to get by when we didn't have it. She has paid both mine and my husbands car insurance for years until recently because my husband bought a new car and got a promotion. Well apparently from his point of view he claims she tries to control him and every aspect of his life. One example being the other day I was sick. Throwing up and extremely nauseous. Well my mom stopped by to help with the kids because he was still at work. Well he got home and he was eating so my mom stayed to help with the kids. I was trying to stay up to help too but I had already taken a phenergen and was still nauseous. So my mom told me to go lay down, that clay, my husband, could babysit. Then she corrected herself and said well not babysit because they are his kids too. Well I got my daughter from her so that she could leave. She had to go home to finish charting for work. When she left my husband starts going on about. I swear to god babe if she says anything else like that to me again I'm not just going to sit there. I said what are you talking about she didn't say anything out of the way to you at all?? He said she is always telling me what im going to do and if you wanted me to watch the kids you could have asked me yourself. I said well I really don't think she said anything out of the way to you and I'm tired of you acting like that towards her. And he said he didn't give a fuck.. My question. Do y'all think that he was overreacting? Because I do and if he was to say something mean to her I would defend her. Who is in the wrong?