So irritated


Sooo my 7 month old only took two naps today so by 6 she was ready for bed! (She goes to sleep at 7). So I was trying to keep her up until at least 6:30, but if she really got upset I’d put her down.

So I’m on the phone with my husband since he’s on his way and he says, “you better not put her to bed before I get home. I want to see her and play with her before she goes to bed.” (He usually gets home between 6:30-40). I was like that’s not how it works.. if she’s crying because she wants to go to bed, I’m going to put her to bed. He literally got angry and hung up on me.

I called him back immediately and called him out on his overreaction and tried to explain this to him and once again he hung up on me!

By 6:20 she was ready. So I did our little routine and put her down. He got home at 6:35 and went right into her room, picked her up and played with her 😡.

I’m so aggravated to be disrespected. This has never happened before. She’s never been asleep before he’s come up (other than when she was an infant of course!). UGH.

Rant over. I’m just super annoyed! It’s not always about what you want! It’s the babies schedule!