Baby arrived 💙


Baby Jace is here 😁

6 lbs, 8 oz, july 30th, 9:30 p.m., 20 inches long, about a month early!

so this is how this shit went. at like 6:45 I posted on this app and said that I don't know what to do because I was pretty sure I was having contractions, but my water didnt break. thanks to you guys, I didn't have my baby at home! you guys told me to go in anyway! so I got dressed through the contractions, and walked in, filled out a fucking questionnaire, contractions started at 4 mins apart, and by the time we drove 15 mins to the hospital they were about 2 mins apart. turns out I walked my happy ass in dilated at 9 cm with a bag that was about to burst! they took forever to check me in. it was like they werent taking me seriously when I said it fucking hurt. no drugs, no time, I delivered, under 3&1/2 hours total, hes healthy, I have 10 stitches, and went natural. which I wasnt gunning for. but . he's beautiful ☺