my life has been completely changed! ❤


Hello lovelies, I'm 19 and just wanted to share how completely blessed and undeserving I feel for how much my life has changed for the better.

I grew up in a home with 5 younger siblings and an emotionally and verbally abusive dad who took everything out on my mom and I. I was convinced that I never wanted to be married, and as much as I loved kids having grown up helping raise my brothers and sisters, I also believed that I wouldn't be having kids. I was a wild tomboy growing up and never even entertained the idea of liking boys, and this went on into my highschool years, when I lost my virginity at 16 to a 30 year old man who manipulated me for years. After that everything went downhill. My dad left us in the middle of the night, and at 17 I was raped twice by two different guys. I reported one of them, and I am still dealing with the case to this day, 2 years later. I felt like I had a target on my back for guys who just wanted me for my body, and the few times I would get into a relationship with someone I thought cared about me, they always ended up showing their true colors and I knew I had to leave. My dad came back a few months later, and after my second rape, my parents decided to hide me from the world for 4 months. No electronics, they made me drop out of high school my senior year, and quit my job. I wasn't allowed to talk to my friends or see them, and couldn't leave the house. No contact with anyone. Needless to say, I could not heal. I was a wreck.

After the 4 months, they gave my phone back. I had to sign a contract to my parents after being called a slut and other names, stating that as long as I lived in the house I would not have contact with guys, especially my bf that I had at the time. Who was actually a good guy, (looking back, I'm glad we broke up anyway because I dont think we would have lasted and I wouldnt have starting dating my now fiance) but he was a good man. I also had to promise not to "bring my siblings into sin with me" and this rule almost warranted me getting sent to live in another state because they were so paranoid about their perfect kids. (Who I love deeply, btw)

Then I was contacted by a guy I had gone to high school with. He saw I was back online and had apparently had huge feelings for me in school, so aftertalking a while, I decided to give it one more try and New Years of 2017 we got together. I never would've known that that boy would one day be my forever love ❤ We have been through so much together and through everything he has loved me completely and unconditionally. When he asked me to marry him, I lost all my fears and said yes. We are young, but I know that this is the man God wants for me and I have 0 hesitations or worries about our future together. I moved in with him and his mom before we both turned 18, because things had gotten so bad in my home and my parents were planning to divorce and my mom was going to move away with the kids. His family loved me like I was always supposed to be there. I was able to heal and love myself again, and he is still helping me grow to this day. November of 2017 I found out I was pregnant and we were overjoyed!! We moved to be closer to my mom, we have our apartment together, and welcomed our blessing into our lives on 7/12/18. God has been so good to me and my little family. I couldnt be more grateful! ❤ 👨‍👩‍👧👶🏽

Nikko Faith