His schedule

My SO has a horrible work schedule

He starts getting ready at 1:30 starts at 2:00pm

And get out at 11-11:30pm.

We hardly ever talk, probably just once when he’s at work. Now what bothers me is that he wakes up super late 12:30 in the afternoon.

I’m in bed by 10 latest so I have no idea what he does when he gets home that he wakes up 12:30 next morning.

Which gives us about 30 mins to text/talk before he actually gets out of bed to start his day.

Am I wrong for being bothered?

I’d think he’d go to sleep right when he gets home and showers/eats. And wake up at a decent time to talk.

He works weekend so with this schedule it leaves us to not doing anything.

On his days off he does other things as- wash his sheets/ clothes. Relax. I don’t blame him but am I wrong?

It’s been like this for 5 months now and I’m not sure if it’s wrong of me to be thinking I can’t do this anymore

If he were to make a bit effort that’ll help but he fact I voice myself and he’s okay with us hardly talking, it hurts.

Opinions ladies