

I was on this website awhile back, I’m 20 years old I have been with my fiancé for 3 years now, a couple of months ago we weren’t trying to conceive but we weren’t preventing it either I have been off of birth control for a little over a year now and my body is finally getting in tuned again, my period is still a little irregular with it being a few days late then the “scheduled” time or being early.. but it’s finally starting to come every month, Gunner ( my fiancé) and I have finally came to the conclusion we are more then ready for a baby, finally financially ready and we have our own place.. So what I’m looking for is some advice on how everybody got pregnant and what I need to do differently then my normal every day routine I know the simple

Things like no alcohol for either of us, cut down on pop, and junk food.. but please help me out to what I can do to really make sure Gunners sperm reaches my egg and On time I’m ordering some ovulation kits and a bunch of pregnancy test! Time to get this show on the road thanks in advanced and I look forward to hearing what everybody did differently and to what I can do!

❤️ all of you!