
So I had a post a while ago about my child’s father’s parents (well, his dad and irrelevant step-mom) being obnoxious and I gave myself space away from their controlling attitude. I’m 19 weeks pregnant, he and I are not in a relationship at the moment. I tried to let how they were acting go so I could be the bigger person until they started talking badly about me for no reason, telling the father of my child that if we’re not going to fully commit to being in a relationship/getting married then he should just kick me to the curb entirely. What sense does that make?! We are working together and being friends for our daughter, but his dad can’t get a grip that our relationship along with what we decide as her parents is NONE of his business or decision. So after I heard what he said about kicking me to the curb, we decided to have a meeting with them to sit down and talk about everything. His father started off trying to say that they deserve to be treated like 50% of her life. I quickly nipped that in the bud reminding them that I am 50% and her father is 50%, everyone else is just FAMILY but not in control of parental decisions AT ALL. And I continued to tell them how our relationship and parenting is between their son and myself and I don’t appreciate them continuing to try to control us and my daughter. They seemed to accept everything well (SEEMED TO) and said they would back off. And then I’m informed yesterday that his dad came to him saying I was “blowing smoke out of my ass” during the whole conversation, and just attempting to assert my dominance. I’m pissed! I don’t need to “attempt” to assert my dominance? IT IS MY DAUGHTER. Should I just cut them out completely? Not even the father of my child can stand them but he’s not so easy to stand up to them as I am.