Finally my turn to tell💕


Long story here!

The morning of June 30th at 3am my husband forced me to get dressed so we could head to the hospital to get checked out as I was having conversations all withing 10 mins apart but not consistent. So we get to the hospital around 4am-ish they check me in and then they checked my cervix. I was 3cm, fully effaced and her head was -1 stationary. The nurse went to the dr. and asked what they should do. She came back and said they were keeping me so they started my iv line. My mom came in around 6am and within the next half hour the dr came in to check my cervix I was then 5cm so he went a head and broke my water, he then explained that the contractions were going to start coming faster and become more intense. I just shrugged it off and thought "yeah yeah it cant get much worse." I got up to use the bathroom after he shut the door to my room. Just after sitting down I had three super intense contractions. I got up after finishing and got in my bed quickly. The contractions then were coming less than a min apart and way to intense. My dr came back in within the next half hour to check me because he was figuring I was probably ready to start pushing sinse my contractions were so strong and fast. I was at 6cm and he asked if I wanted the epidural I said yes. He explained that he would have to call the anesthesiologistand it would take him a while to get to the hospital and before I could get the epidural he would have to check my cervix again. I s

agreed. Half hour later he came back in as the anesthesiologist made it to the hospital so he checked my cervix and at that point I was at 8cm. No point in getting the epidural. So I took some kind of pain meds threw my iv. That just made me high as all kites lol. Less than a half hour later a midwife came in due to shift change and she wanted me to try and go potty before I had to push. I tried but it hurt way to much to try and sit to go. So my husband helped me back to my bed and then they wanted me to get on my hands and knees to try to help my baby turn down ways as she was facing my left hip. I didnt want to so I fought them and didn't. The midwife checked me and I was 9cm so she had me push once and she stretched me to a 10. She then turned around to put her gown on and the nurse started to yell at her to get dressed now and get over to me to catch my baby. I had pushed once and my baby's head was out then pushed two more times and my baby's body was out.

I given birth to my second beautiful baby girl!

Braelyn Paige💜 Born at 8:19am, weighing 8lb 11oz and 19 1/2 inches long.