Pregnancy or mild pcos

This situation all started on the 21st of May when I had a irregular bleed 2 weeks after AF (05/05 - 09/05). I started to get pains from my breasts to my lower abdomen (mostly on the right side of my abdomen) and my abdomen was so swollen/bloated/felt heavy/rounder.

Symptoms in May:


Wasn’t eating much just drinking water

Peeing a lot

Heartburn/nausea (ongoing)

Twitching in lower abdomen (ongoing)

Breasts tenders/ nipples darker/itchy (can’t wear a bra because they hurt so much)

Veins more visible


Sharps pains in vagina/cervix tender

Spotting for 1 1/2 to 2 months and my period in July only lasted 2 days, my cycle has gone from 28 days to 35 days.

Body shape has changed.

Taken about 50 pregnancy tests over the course of 2 almost 3 months and all negative.

I’ve had every blood test done and everything was fine except my iron levels were extremely low due to me bleeding so much. I had an ultrasound last week to check my bladder, kidneys, stomach, uterus and ovaries and everything was fine.

I’ve been put on laxatives, pain relief, tablets to stop the bleeding and iron tablets because I’m close to being anaemic.

Here is a picture of my stomach from two days ago