Baby finally here💖💖💖


Baby was born July 22nd @1:17am 6lbs 13oz 19 inches. My due date was aug 1st 😮 but she was so impatient. I was in labor for like 19 hours 😢 but it was all worth the pain. I got the epidural but since my water leaking a couple nights with out me knowing at the time, bacteria got into it so they put me on Pitocin to speed up delivery so my contractions were HELL. 😭😭😭😭 I felt my contractions getting stronger but they kept telling me she still wasn’t ready & they didn’t wanna keep checking to see if I was dilated because they wanted to avoid infecting baby. But I knew she was ready . I started throwing up because I ate some Wendy’s hours before && as I was throwing up her head popped out and all the doctors rushed in because they didn’t expect me to deliver until hours later 😂😂😂 eventually me throwing up popped out the whole baby & I ripped my pussy😢 anywaysssss, they kept her for 7 days after because she actually did have an infection from my water leaking but she came home about 3 days ago & I’m absolutely IN LOVE 😍