In July 2017 I found out I was pregnant sadly in August miscarried and it turned out it was a chemic...

In July 2017 I found out I was pregnant sadly in August miscarried and it turned out it was a chemical pregnancy. The end of October 2017 I found out I was pregnant. I was so excited & couldn’t wait to meet my dream baby! The early weeks of November Hg hit me. The month of November and December were so hard on me and my body, how ever baby did amazing through it all. I went to 3 different on drs from 3 different hospitals. Just like the saying goes 3rd one was the charm, my boyfriend found him calling obs looking for anyone to take my case seriously. I was so sick I couldn’t keep anything down including water, even on a empty stomach I threw up bile and dry heaved. I lost over 35 lbs alone in two months. That’s not even healthy to do when not pregnant! When I first met with my ob I told him “please don’t let me die” he jokingly said “that’s too much paperwork I won’t let you die” which was reassuring at the same time funny. I was hospitalized In December right before Christmas for 4 days due to not holding food down for so long. Baby was still as great as ever and growing! During my one hospitalization the dr was able to find medication to control my vomiting which was two anti acids and two different nausea pills (one being the frowned upon zofran) after feeling better I put on weight slow but I warned myself off the nausea pills withtin two months. I couldn’t always eat what I wanted I still threw up time to time, but I could eat and drink so I was happy. The rest of my pregnancy was enjoyable I was so excited to finally have my baby! My due date was July 8th 2018 my dr agreed to induce me July 7th, so on July 5th I was determined to enjoy my last night of sleep without a baby. July 6th at 3am I woke up with contractions I waited and timed them they  ere 5 mins apart and the pain was to the point i couldn’t bear. By 6 am I reached the hospital. I was shocked to hear I was only 2cms dilated! A hour later I was rechecked and hit 4! Since I was making progress I was admitted! During my admission they did a ultrasound to see why my contractions were so painful and to check to be sure baby didn’t turn breech. Nope he was head down but sunny side up and diagonal. So they had me walking, flipping in the bed, rolling on the birthing ball to get him to move into the birth canal. At 9am I was 6 cms dilated and got the epidural to relive my body of the contractions. I laid down do get some much needed rest before my baby had arrived. At 12:15pm my water broke and I lost my mucus plug all in one go the nurse came in I was 9cms dilated, the nurse went to get the cart and check on her other patient came back in without the cart 20 mins later checked me again and I was 10 babies head was visible, dr ran inside straight from the parking lot as he was just coming in for duty. I pushed 4 good pushes and Theo Emerson was born at 12:54 pm.