June 22nd turned July 1st


Mostly pics and a bit of a story.

So first off I had a beautiful pregnancy. Very uneventful. I literally had 2 ultrasounds one at 6wks to confirm pregnancy and one at 20wks to get the gender... that was it. I've always had a good diet and don't really care for meat too much (except for those nights when I'm just craving a nice juicy burger) you gotta indulge every now and again. But when I was pregnant all I could eat was raw fruits and veggies and drink water. Ice and blue/red slushies were a necessity, but literally almost everything else made me sick. I threw up from week 8 all the way until the baby came out!! Not kidding. But the baby was great measurements were great, everything was perfect. Throughout the whole pregnancy I was very active. I never overdid it but I was active more often than not.

This was me at 6mo pregnant and then it's like I grew a belly over night...




still pregnant

and pregnant some more

Y'all by this time I'm pushing 41weeks, no baby, no dialation, no mucus plug just nothing. I mean I was still running up and down the stairs like it was nothing!!! I was at the point where I was ready to reach in there and pull him out myself lol. But like I said I was 41wks my due date of June 22 had come and gone and still no sign of anything. So at this point my midwife was talking induction.

p.s. during week 38-40 I tried almost everything to make myself go into labor. Exercise, sex, driving over speed bumps, sex, warm baths, eating a whole pineapple, more sex, squats I mean you name it I tried it and nothing.

So my induction was schedule....I planned on natural non medicated delivery with being able to labor in the birthing pool.

So it's Friday June 29 and I was so ready!! INDUCTION DAY!!

Bags had been packed and in the car with the car seat since week 36 lol so nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs until 11:30pm when it was time to go... so around 10:30p my mom and sister came over cause they were going to follow us to the hospital. Chris(s/o) was checking a few last minute things and I was about to shower before it was time to go. So I'm in the bathroom, shower is running, and I had to pee. I'm on the toilet and before i start to pee and I feel something fall out of me!! I was scared shitless and I don't know why but my automatic instinct was to catch it. So I'm calling my sister she comes in and started to panic which made me panic because I can't see so I'm just going off what I feel in my hand and her facial expression. So my mom and Chris come in and she tells me it was just my mucus plug. It was like half in half out so just feeling it I'm like what the fuck is hanging out of me. And I'm thinking it was supposed to feel like snot and it didn't not at all!! My mom was like it's okay it's time for you to go to the hospital anyway so I take a quick shower then we call my grandmother and my dad to pray before we left then it was off to the hospital we went

We are at the hospital!!!

peanut ball

So the pictures kind of tell the story. We get there Friday night, the midwife checks me and I'm only 1cm so she starts me off by sweeping my membranes just to see if that started anything and sure enough it didn't. The get the pitocin going and man those contractions were coming fast and hard. We were playing card games and Monopoly to keep my mini off the pain and she came back to check me and nothing. Some hours later she put in the balloon. The balloon fell out only after about 4 hours of it being in so I'm like oh hell yeah it's baby time let's get this thing moving and I was only 6cm so after a whole 17 hours I'm still not ready. The midwife broke my water and still nothing. I was able to walk and be in the shower and all. All the while I'm still on the pitocin and they upped the dosage every two hours and those contractions were so painful I couldn't even see straight. But things took a turn for the worse after about hour 26. The baby just wasn't responding to anything and his heart rate kept fluctuating so they said it's not an emergency situation but before it got there they wanted to go ahead and do a C-section. I was totally hear broken. I kept thinking it was something I did or didn't do during my pregnancy that was the cause of this. I cried for about a whole hour. But I had to get out of that fuck because I knew I couldn't go into that OR with negative thoughts or bad energy. So as I was being preped I didn't talk to anyone I just stayed focused on what was about to happen and thought about this beautiful baby that was about to come.

Sunday, July 1, 2019.

41wks and 2days My greatest gift was born.

Naming ceremony

His name is

Alijah-Fatoun Akai Walker

There is like a million and three more pictures but yeah.

During the surgery I threw up 4 times twice on Chris and he still kissed me once the baby came out. (on the forehead lol)

p.s. I found out later that they did the c section yes because of his heart rate but also because he got stuck in the birth canal. he was trying to make his way out but got stuck. I have scoliosis so I guess the shape of my pelvis made it an obstacle course in there for him. But he is perfectly healthy. Weighed 8lbs when he was born.