Sophomore Year Trash


Ughhhh I’m starting this next school year next week I’m excited to meet new kids and hopefully make genuine friends but I feel like I messed everything up fir myself last year I broke an amazing guys heart because well I didn’t want to break his heart in a worse more painful way (drama fucking bs I should be used to it) i met another awesome guy after that and he actually liked me (that doesn’t happen often I’m sure most of you will understand) but I wanted to seem like I didn’t care whether or not he had feelings for me so whenever people asked I would just call him a douche and say I don’t like him which totally backfired because he found out I was saying that shit and started getting pissy whenever we were in the same room but it’s understandable. Oh and my grades that’s a whole other bs matter I’ve been so distracted trying to make these two guys notice me between the semesters that I barely even passed (I was getting straight D’s) oh fuck I hope this year is better than the last. Sorry mega rant I don’t really have anyone else to “rant” to or at the very least talk but if you made it to the end thanks for paying attention.