Bed wetting 🤮


My stepson is 8 and has serious incontinence. He has battled the bathroom since I came into his life when he was two. He would hold his pee so long that it would become a RUNNING emergency to get to the bathroom. He also only eats vegetables, fruit or meat only if I am around because I make him. He started having constipation issues at 6 years old where he wouldn’t poop for a week. He has now had two intestinal cleanses to counter his back ups. Obviously I can only do so much as a stepparent who only has him less than half the time. I am trying to not be the evil stop Mom here but I am so angry that my stepsons mom and my husband let this go on for so long. He has such bad issues with eating and going to the bathroom and I feel like I am the ONLY ONE WHO CARES!?!?! He is 8 years old and I have tried everything to help him not wet the bed. But even stopping fluids, going to the bathroom before bed and waking him only two to three hours after falling asleep to pee and HE STILL LEAKS OUT OF HIS PULL UP?!?! I’m so exhausted. I just want to stop caring because no one else seems to want to help him get better.... I’m not sure he even wants to get better. Help.