It’s not my business but I feel awful!!

Guys I know you are probably going to just tell me to mind my own business but I can’t help but feeling 😢 for this unborn baby.

My husband has been best friends with 2 other guys since he was in elementary school (they are all now 30 years old). One of the guys is a real loser. He was our roommate a few years ago before he we got married.

This guy is so gross!

He’s overweight, doesn’t shower, doesn’t rush his teeth, doesn’t clean, abuses his animals, etc.

Well anyway he (miraculously) hooked up with this (desperate) woman on Tinder and they ended up getting married a year after meeting. She makes good money as a pharmacist and he spends all of her money constantly.

The last time I ever went over to their house I immediately had an asthma attack. Not only because they had so many pets, but everything was dirty and poop everywhere and uncleared cages, etc. There was trash all over the floors, laundry, garbage, etc.

One of their pit bulls (they have 4) started growling at my husband and took hold of his shirt, ripping a large hole in it. My husband’s friend punched the dog in the side of the head like he would another man in a bar fight. I heard the dogs head thump.

Now I’m not a huge fan of pit bulls or any large dog for that matter but I don’t believe in animal violence whatsoever. His dogs are mean, unaltered, and unvaccinated. They also have 2 tortoises, 2 ferrets, a boa constrictor and many fish tanks that aren’t well kept.

Yesterday my husband gets an ultrasound picture from them! My stomach immediately drops because I feel horrified that they are bringing a baby into their disgusting home. They would be horrible parents. If you don’t shower and wash your own hands, how are you going to take care of a newborn?

They have been trying for about 18 months and they are finally pregnant.

Since the guy only works in customer service and not making much money, they’ve decided he will be a stay at home dad.

I know it’s not my business but my heart really aches and I can’t stop thinking about it. This poor poor little bub. 😢