racist family TTC #4

okay ladies, so me and my SO are waiting on OUR positive and I cant wait to test next week. My family has never been happy about any of my pregnancies because my childrens father is Black. because this is most likely my last I don't plan on telling NOONE if I end up being pregnant. I want to enjoy my babies. ❤ and also I believe strongly that if I have a baby it shouldn't be No ones business but Mines and my Man ONLY... I'm now 24, and the last 3pregnancies ive had were very miserable for me seeing how everyone in my family was so Negative, Judgmental. Ignorant, and Not happy whatsoever when I told them. now I'm more mature amd old enough to see how badly they act towards my goals, and happiness I don't need there opinions this time Noway!! I can have a baby if I want too.